How to Make a Writing Schedule

Creating a consistent and productive writing routine can be difficult, especially if you are a 9-5,  parent, or juggling other responsibilities. It often feels impossible to completely clear time for your creative practices. But it’s not impossible to make a writing schedule, and your writing practice can even become the time of day you most look forward to.

The key to building a consistent writing routine is to prioritize making space for your writing schedule. Creativity flourishes when there’s real space for your mind to wander and flow. If your mind is preoccupied with making dinner or the kids you have to pick up from school, you won’t be able to fully access your creativity, and it’ll be much harder to get words on the page. So when establishing your routine, it’s crucial to make a writing schedule and block out time dedicated to your writing, with limited distractions and space to be your creative self.

To make a writing schedule, you must first establish your goals. Write three things down: the project you’re working on, the approximate word count of that project, and the time frame you’re working within. Based on this word count and the number of days you have to write, you can designate a daily word count. This is the number you should strive to hit every day for your writing schedule.

Determine how much time you will need a day to hit this word count. Perhaps you average 1,000 words an hour, and you’re hoping to write 2,000 words a day. This would make you block out two hours a day.

Next, in how to make a writing schedule, ask yourself what time of day you are most creative and inspired. Do you wake up in the morning feeling your most creative? Before you go to sleep? Perhaps you find your inspiration spiked after a long walk or workout. Whatever your personal preferences, to make a writing schedule, commit to writing at this time of day every day. You will be your most productive and energetic self at this time.

Finally, once you have this time blocked off in your day, ask yourself how you can further cultivate creativity within this window. A tidy workspace allows for a clear mind. Maybe plants, paintings, or being near a window inspires you. Perhaps a warm cup of tea puts you at ease, or even sitting in a cozy corner of your local coffee shop or bookstore fosters energy for you. Commit to making a writing schedule and romanticizing your writing space, wherever that may be. The combination of designated, open time for writing and a creative setting does wonders for productivity and inspiration.

Once you’ve taken these steps, you’ll find yourself both more inspired to write, and more committed to your practice. So start building your own routine, and write on based on your writing schedule. When you have followed your schedule and finished your manuscript, you can submit it to agencies such as Langtons International Agency.