What You Should Know Commercial Women’s Fiction

When writing a book, familiarity with your genre is crucial to making sure that you find success once you begin to query agents. Commercial  Women’s Fiction is one of the most popular genres at all times.  Even though the publishing market may appear to change,  knowing the current trends and popular genres is an important, often neglected skill

For example, it’s important to know what kinds of stories succeed, and what people want to read more of, especially in your chosen genre.

In commercial women’s fiction, for example, what are the most popular titles of the last few years? What do they have in common with each other, and what sets them apart from the rest of the genre? What are the basic characteristics of  women’s fiction in general?

Commercial women’s fiction is a broad, varied genre, but in general it is a commercial, realistic genre that focuses on women’s perspectives, experiences, and issues. It is obviously aimed towards, and written for, a primarily female audience. Often it grapples with difficult topics such as abuse, poverty, divorce, and more, portraying them in a realistic manner that reflects our real world. The genre is written with a literary voice, but crafted in a relatable way, for a broad audience.

While this is a broad definition, it’s important to study successful authors to get an understanding of what exactly the genre is. Langtons International Agency authors of commercial women’s fiction include Phyllis Melhado, author of The Spa at Lavender Lane (Black Rose Writing, 2020).

Knowing your genre is crucial to succeeding in finding both a literary agent to represent you and receiving an offer from a publishing house for your book. Working both within genre constraints, and making your story your own, will make your book stand out as the most brilliant it can be!