How to Create a Great Front Cover for Your Hybrid or Self Published Book 


If you are reading this, then chances are that you have finished writing a book. Congratulations! However, if you are self-publishing or hybrid publishing your book, you still have one very important task ahead of you, which is working with is creating a great front cover for your new book! 
Although a graphic designer will probably end up developing a concept for your cover, you should make sure to have ideas and inspiration to work with since you know your book the best. Here are some suggestions for creating a great cover:
Start by coming up with a general idea based on the theme or plotline of your book. If you have completed a crime novel, then consider putting some caution tape or blood spatter on the cover. Alternatively, if you have written a romance, think about adding hearts and kisses. The goal is to  reflect the nature of your storyline! Readers do tend to judge a book by its cover, so you want to attract them to your book, and for your book to reflect what you have written. 

If you are struggling to come up with ideas, try using social media or Amazon for other front covers in your genre. You can also find inspiration from Pinterest, Instagram, and Goodreads which are all great platforms to use when looking for book covers. A trip to your local library or bookstores can also help you understand which covers you like in your particular genre and which covers you do not.

Once you have compiled a list of covers that you like, try to figure out what draws you to them and why. This is a great way to make sure your book cover accurately reflects your book. Then, send your ideas off to your designer!

Of course, you do not have to create a cover on your own. Collaboration can be key, and at Langton’s International Agency we are happy to help guide you in the right direction. Once your book is written, feel free to reach out for recommendations for cover artists, and check out our website if you would like to see a great selection of diverse book covers.

LIA is here to help, and we believe that every book can be judged by its cover!